Monday 31 March 2014


Hello readers! *At this very point you guys will be like, Oh yes Welcome back Yugga*

I know , I know it has been a while since I posted something on my blog. Again, I am sorry for being a cow. I was just busy with my normal routine. Now, it feels sooo good to be back on track!

I have been talking a little bit about my dogs, especially Noel. So here's a post to get to know Noel, the little rascal!

I got Noel on the 15th of December 2013, a week after Dudju passed away. No, she was not a replacement for Dudju as Dudju can never be replaced by ANY other dog. Dudju was just special in her own way. But I have to say this; Noel did help in the healing process, a lot.

So it was a random and sudden plan to give a call to this one pet shop and enquire about their golden retrievers. My brother and I went to the pet shop in Klang, and we played with these two puppies, they looked nice but they did not have a certificate and a microchip on them. After that we came across another advertisement on on golden retrievers as well. My brother and I took a drive to Subang to have a look at the puppies.

When I got into the shop, there were two beautiful puppies. A male and a female. Since we wanted a female, we carried the female puppy. She had that gloomy face and she was quiet. I started questioning the pet shop owner about this female puppy,and I spent some time running around with her around the pet shop to make sure she's active as I wanted a healthy and active puppy.

She was not moving much, so I put her back with her little brother and that's when I saw the puppies' true colour. She was biting and bullying the little brother. I had a small discussion with my brother and we decided to give her a home! :)

I got the shop guy to give this puppy a bath, and while she was having her shower my brother and I went around the shop looking for her food, her bowl and other stuff. I was so excited as this is my first puppy, and It has always been a dream to get a golden retriever, and imagine Your dream came true, how would you feel?

It was already late at night, around 9.30 pm.So, I quickly bought whatever needed, and signed the documents and got into the car with the puppy. All this was not planned and it happened all of a sudden, that's the best part of my story about how we purchased Noel. On the way my brother was advising me on how to take care of her, and he was saying that she might just be the best companion I have ever had, just like how he was with Dudju. I was just listening, and the puppy was sleeping on me, buried her head into my armpit. LOL.

Well, the question is : WHAT ATTRACTED ME TOWARDS NOEL?
As I was on the way to the pet shop, I was already losing my interest on getting a puppy because it was getting late and I thought I wouldn't be going back home with one. Even when we saw Noel, my brother was telling me how good her body frame is, the quality of the puppy and many other things. I did not see any of that. This may sound weird, but  the ONE and ONLY thing that attracted me was her EARS! Her fur around her ears was curly and it really shows that she's from a good blood line. I was so attracted to the ears and I wanted her so badly. Here's a picture of Noel taken before we purchased her:

I brought this puppy home and everyone loved her! I was thinking of naming her December but everyone complained that's like a super long name, so I was thinking so hard, squeezed my brain, googled up some nice names and I finally decided on NOEL, which means Christmas in French ;) *SEXAY* I have always wanted her name to be related to Christmas/ the month of December, and now we are all totally happy with the name.

Noel has been with us for 3 months plus already. When I brought her back, I knew my life would never be the same.I had my responsibilities, I started spending more time at home than before, NO more shopping for myself as all I can think of when I am out is NOEL so I'd buy her stuff . She'd act like an overtired child sometimes, she'd chew on things, especially furnitures. She had lots of puppy energy so she tends to run like a crazy puppy!It was all so beautiful to watch, as I can watch my baby growing up in a fun and a beautiful way. She is my daughter, literally. I treat her like my own child and many of my friends say that Noel looks exactly like me, U know how that
 feels like? Like Heaven! SO happy! Noel has a lot of my characteristics as well and I believe its the bond between he two of us, which brought us closer and eventually it looks like we both have almost the same traits. Which is GOOD.
 I feel that Noel keeps getting cuter every day. I can see that she has grown up a lot, fatter and more beautiful! We keep her inside the house, she likes brushing teeth with us at the sink, she loves sleeping under my bed, and sometimes under my brother's. She is quite a busybody kid as she wants to know everything, and the best part about Noel is that she is VERY friendly!! She loves meeting new people and also new dogs! I am glad that my child gets along pretty well with people. Her social skills is really good. * Like mom, like daughter*

Noel is 5 months old now, and she's growing up into a big beautiful girl. I continue caring for her till today and will do this until the end. She has played a huge part in my life, and she has totally changed my behaviour. She has shaped me to be a better person, many of you would be wondering how is that even possible. One of them is I used to wake up so late everyday. Ever since Noel entered my life, I wake up as early as 8 am, sometimes earlier as I need to feed her, spend time with her and talk to her. I feel these are the essential things a dog owner must have. We should always spend time with out pets, talk to them and love them as we may have many friends around us, but for them, we are the only friend they have and we are the world for them. Do not abandon your pets as that might lead to depression in them.

I love every bits of Noel, when she's naughty, quiet, loving , calm, name it! I will always be attached to her and never let her go in whatever situation I may be in. I have giving her the best I can and continue doing so as I want the best for her from every aspect of life. I want Noel to have a happy and fun life, and I don't mind pampering her at all!She is the most important thing in my life right now, I will never trade her for anything as what I have with her is something extremely special, she means a lot to me, and she means the world to me. Call me crazy or lame, but she's my true love and I will love her till the end of my life.

Noel, in her 5th month

The crazy duos!
That's all for today I guess dear awesome readers! I hope you guys have a wonderful week ahead, may God bless you and all the animals on this planet! Have a good day!


Yugga & Noel