Sunday 12 October 2014

Life So Far

Hi all.

Life had been a roller coaster ride lately with all unexpected issues going on and on . With Deepavali around the corner definitely this is not the time of the year for problems to come my way. But somehow everything seem to be manageable. How have u awesome people been doing? Hope things r well on your side.

Many issues lately that I have been facing, all personal . Sigh  but let's not make this post a sad one! ;)

Well Noels birthday is just 14 days away. Initially my plan was to celebrate it big time but with all the things , especially with my cousins engagement and Deepavali around the corner I have actually settled for a very simple celebration at home. I have met Noels photographer as well but not planning on anything before her birthday. The photography session with a huge album would be Noels first birthday gift *hush hush* . The session will be taking place after her birthday , somewhere in November. I am so glad I have planned this for Noel as I feel she deserves all this as my only child. I will definitely be doing more and more for her and the limit would be the sky! ;)

Apart from Noels celebration , I am actually least bothered about Deepavali this year. Haven't done shopping, haven't baked cookies.. no mood for all that. The only thing I can think of is Noels birthday. Cousins engagement will be in two weeks as well.. One day before Noels birthday to be exact!

October has been hell so far but I am actually getting better with my family so that doesn't make October totally a bitch but yeah. LOL.

I hope to stay positive and get a new job ASAP so that I can keep myself busy again and can resume all my shoppings and hang out sessions. Till then take care and see you guys in my next post which will be god knows when. Hahaha.

Love you munchkins!