Thursday 17 July 2014

I got I.N.K.E.D

Hey there readers... It has been a while since I stepped into my blog . The last update was about my trip to India. And then I dissapeared! To be honest, I havent been focusing much on my blog. So i am making this grand appearance all of a sudden to talk about my second tattoo. *I swear this is an awesome tattoo*

Well if u read my very first post.... U'd probably know what am I talking about. Remember my plan to get a tattoo as a tribute to Dudju?

I got this tattoo on the 13th of July 2014. It was well designed by Hustla Ink, PJ. These awesome artists came up with the idea of a adult dog paw surrounded by tiny paws. One of my closest friend suggested that I should go for this tattoo and as we were looking at the design.... He asked me 'how many puppies Dudju had?' My answer was 'Nine,why are you asking'. He immediately said 'you can have 9 small paws then around the big paw'. Well I thought all this while I was just focusing on Dudju... i had tears in my eyes. I went for that design where one big paw is surrounded by 9 small paws with a banner thats says 'Dudju'.

I settled for that tattoo and i decided to have it on my lower stomach. The manager of Hustla Ink advised me that it was going to be too painful as that is considered as one of the most sensitive part of our body.. I told myself I could take the pain and go ahead with it.

The initial part of the whole process was so painful that I really have no words to describe it here. My first tattoo was not as painful as this. This one was so painful that I scratched my fren and he started bleeding and he could not move his hand till he had to go to the clinic to get a tetanus shot. So now you know how bad the pain was. But end of the day it was all worth it ;)

Now that I have this tattoo with me.. eventhough it is still painful and its healing slowly.. I feel very close to Dudju and her puppies. I feel like they are all alive and they are protecting me. I feel good whenever I look at the tattoo as it really means the world to me.

Dudju girl you have not gone anywhere.. You are just here in my heart... protecting me always. I love you to the moon and back :')

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