Saturday 1 February 2014


Hello beautiful people! So this is going to be my first post for this blog, so I rather start it off with something really really beautiful! :)
DUDJU- Our most favorite Dog who lived as a baby in our hearts.It was a rottweiler. She passed away on the 6th of December 2013 due to some complications in her pregnancy. She has played an important role in all our lives, So let me talk about how much she meant to us, to me especially.
Dudju came into our lives in 2008. She was only 3 months old then. I was in Pre-U and Mom called to inform me about the latest addition to our family! I was so excited to see her. I got back home that weekend to  beautiful, furry, chubby Little Dudju. She was so cute but was so naughty jus like any other puppy!
This is how she looked like when my brother brought her back:
Baby Dudju
Cute isn’t it?
Dudju grew up with us, she was so pampered by everyone, especially my third brother. She grew up being so attached to him. Basically she belonged to him. For your information dear readers, Dudju’s original name was Helena, but my third brother has got this habit of giving baby/pet names to the puppies and Helena ended up being called Dudju/Goji/Moji/Gold. Hhaha funny right? Yeah that’s how things work here. Lol.
Dudju was a lovely girl. I don’t usually address her as a dog because we did not feel that way towards her at all, we treated her like our own baby sister! She grew up to be huge and strong, her baby-ness remained the same and she was cuter than before. She was such a warm girl, protective and Attention seeking! We loved every bit of Dudju.
Dudju had helped me a lot in going through tough days, especially when I first joined work. I was taking it hard as I had difficulties learning banking stuff during training, so whenever I was feeling sad I’d go to her, play with her and she’d show me some love. This is something even humans can’t give. The feeling is just soo good, the best part is dogs don’t talk and they can change your mood to be better in no time! Amazing isn’t it??
I was not so attached to her during my college/university days but she would never bark at me. She would just play with me and let me hug her and touch her. We got closer after University and I have taken lots of pictures with Dudju.

Dudju and I, taken last year :)
Family photo one day before Deepavali 2012*that's my third brother in the pic*
The Love of my life, my baby sister 

Dudju got pregnant somewhere around last year and she delivered 9 pretty puppies on the 26th of November 2013. 7 of her puppies died in her stomach, only 2 survived. Then, after a few days the other two puppies died. Dudju passed away a week after that. Honestly we have got no freaking idea why she died, she was only 5 years old. One day before she passed away, I went to visit her in the clinic and she was playing with me, being all active and loving as usual. That was the only thing that makes it hard for me to believe she’s gone, because she was just okay and happy when I visited her. It was very unexpected, It was a painful experience for the family especially for my third brother. We do miss her until this very second. Many of our family/ friends told us that she’s now in a better place, but to me, there’s no better place for her than our home. I cant believe she is gone and it’s just too much to digest it.
Even though Dudju has left all of us, she lives by our heart. We as a family had a hard time coming out of Dudju's sudden passing, we had each other's shoulder and that's how we supported each other and felt better as days pass by..It was not easy at all, especially for my third brother who was always there for her, and he basically watched her suffer the most, it was NEVER easy. We felt her presence, my brothers could smell her and the next second we realised that she's actually not there and that was terrible. She was an amazing girl, I loved her so much. She was a special one, such an adorable baby!
 I have to stress in this post that Dudju's passing had actually made me realize a lot of things. .That one incident made me aware of who my actual true friends are and who will actually be there for me when something really sad/ bad happens to me. I found the answer to these questions on the day she left us because I witnessed it myself all,those friends who told me stories about how much they love and care for me, did not even say any comforting words knowing the situation my family and I were in. I don't expect people to come and cry along with me but as a good friend we should know what we can do for a friend who is in a hard situation, I am sure that's not something difficult to do. 

End of the day I realised that The friends I communicate the least, are the REAL ones who will always stand by my side no matter what. In this case, I would like to say a million thanks to my Best & Real friend Katpagam for the amount of support she provided me with throughout the whole process which was extremely painful. Katpagam knows Dudju from the day we brought her and amongst all my friends, I would happily say that she knows Dudju the BEST! Dear readers, Katpagam was there from the very beautiful beginning(The day we brought Dudju) until the miserable ending(Dudju's passing). It was very helpful and kind of her to be there for me, supporting me emotionally even though she was not present physically, but I gotta say it helped me a lot in getting through the tough time I had after Dudju passed away, In fact even when she was sick itself. I have no words to express my gratitude towards Katpagam as I know how much her comforting and positive words have impacted me in good ways throughout the painful journey. I have to say she is such a wonderful person, and knowing her for the past 18 years has always been a pleasure and I am totally blessed to have a true friend as Katpagam. If you're reading this, I owe you big time man! I love you and Thanks a bazillion for being my best friend even though I have not been a good one to you. I appreciate every single thing you have done for me which has helped me a lot :) I LOVE YOU, GIRL! And to all my other friends who helped me through the mourning process, thanks a bunch, I really appreciate all your messages and phone calls, it really helped me a lot as well and I love you guys to bits :)  Coming back to the fake friend topic,Why would someone address you as a best friend when they don't mean it? We have got a bunch of psychos around. LOL. That was sad, but the good part is the learning point there. So anyway leave all those fake friends aside and lets continue.. 
Baby Dudju was my best buddy, we have done so much of crazy things together, and I have to say this: Hugging her is the best thing ever! That is like the best remedy for any sort of sadness/depression. Sometimes, the things she does OMG can just leave you laughing like a mad person. She loved competitions! It was more like a short distance DOG marathon and she would not be so happy if the other dogs overtook her while running! I can just smile thinking of all those good memories of my Dudju Girl! Apart from that, She has given us so much of love and she can NEVER EVER be replaced by any other dogs! You can put so many other big-sized chubby , huge rottweilers in front of me right now, I will still say Dudju is still the best of the best! She was just too special.Now that Dudju is gone, I believe that she’s a guardian angel whose always watching over us. She loved us as much as we loved her. I love you Dudju girl , I wish you were still around, but I think you have gone to be with your babies. I pray for you to be safe and sound in heaven with your little ones :) I love you :’)

P/S: I will be a getting a tattoo real soon which reminds me of Dudju:)
Here's a short poem for My Dudju Girl:

We thought of you today,
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday,
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence,
We often speak your name.
Now all we have is memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake,
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping,
We have you in our heart.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal ~ Richard Puz~


  1. This is just so beautiful. Thanks for writing & I want you to know that you're not alone. I lost my Flanky baby (Shit Tzu) on the 27th Nov last year. I teared reading because Flanky is exactly how you described Dudju. They must be friends now & I'm sure they're running and playing happily in the Elysian fields while watching over us.

  2. Hi Yamuna, thanks for sharing your story with me, I am sure they are good friends now :) We r totally blessed to have them as our babies :) Thanks for your time reading my post, hugss!

  3. I came across your blog while doing some reading today, this is a very touching post which reminds me how fragile life is. The memories of Dudju Girl will be your buddy for the rest of the time.

    1. Hello :) Uve got nice posts too! I did go through...

      Thank you for reading it. and Thank you again, Well to me, Dudju is still alive, in our memories. Thanks and Have a lovely day, may god bless you :)
