Monday 24 February 2014

The Month Of February

Hello lovely people. First of all, I have to apologize as I took a long time to update my blog. I did not have access to Internet and I have been really really busy with things, I know some of you have been telling me to update it, So sorry again and here's the post!

Generally, I have good feeling about the month of February.

Its a month of love people say, but to me I like February because it ends faster than any other month. ;)
Love should not be shown based on months I feel, it should be shown on a daily basis. I personally don't believe that February= Love. If we want to show love, we can do it everyday and we don't have to wait for that particular month for us to show love to our loved ones. This is just my opinion anyway and I totally respect people's opinion about the month of February and I really adore those who celebrate Valentines Day!

We have around 3 people celebrating their birthday in the month of February.
February 3rd is my cousin's birthday. Her name is Nivitha, she is a mixed of Punjabi and Indian and she is 13 years old. She is a smart girl and we both are more like sisters as she grew up with us.

February 20th is dad's birthday.He is 61 years old. He works as a Safety and Health Manager, and he travels a lot.

February 28th is My third brother's birthday. He is unpredictable, just like rottweilers. For a moment he will be okay, the next moment he might just get so angry for no reason. But generally, he is a nice person. He has helped me a lot and he is my buddy when it comes to dogs.I get advise from him about dogs and many other things relating to it.

I personally feel that I have been really busy this month. It is more like I have got something to do every weekend and I am quite not liking it. FYI readers, I am the type of a girl who likes spending time with my family and my dogs. Mostly my life revolves around them and I like that part of my life! Many would find me boring or lifeless, let people say what they want to say as they don't define you. YOU define your own self! :)

I am glad to be blessed with this kind of a family where I have got my dogs and family, and that explains my happiness. What I am planning to do is to stay home on weekends as much as I can, go out with friends once in a while ( I DO need my social life, Right?) and do my things right, then nothing can go wrong in that sense.

Now, have a fabulous week and let me know how you feel about the month of February or perhaps any other month tat YOU like! ;)

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