Friday 7 February 2014

My Long Weekend

Hello my lovely readers!

I hope you guys have been in the pink of health and everything is going well so far!

Well, this is my long weekend but NO, I have not been sleeping well. Yes you read that right! I just ended my night shift, and I am on leave from Thursday up to Sunday. So in this post, I am going to write about my long weekend. Today is Friday, in this post I am going to write how I spent my Thursday and Friday.

THURSDAY- 06/02/2014

I woke up around 10.30 am in the morning after sleeping at 7 am the same morning after ended my night shift. It was a beautiful morning because I knew I was going to be on a long leave. Hahaha. I took my puppy, Noel for a walk, came back, showered, and had late breakfast as usual.  After breakfast, mom wanted to do some banking, so my cousin and I drove mom to the bank, went around seeing things and then we headed back home in the evening around 4.15 pm. I got back home, took a little bit of rest and at about 5.00 pm my brother came back from work. He was busy preparing food for the dogs. I was just bumming around until my boyfriend called to inform me that he'll be coming to visit me. Then I had something to do like making tea for the boyfriend and the rest of the family members.After he reached, we all had tea together and we had good chat over tea.

 After about 1 hour, I took mom to the town as she wanted to buy some things for the house. We left home around 7 pm plus and we bought a lot of things which made me happy especially food stuff. We had dinner outside peacefully with one of my aunties after a long time.  After dinner, we went back home.My mom bought tonnes of things as usual and my car was filled with things everywhere! I bought fruits for my puppy as I want her to be healthy and beautiful :D

I got home at about 11 pm and my boyfriend was still there at home with my brother. I spent some time talking to them all, fed my puppy some biscuits and milk, played with her, said goodbye to the boyfriend and I went to shower. Honestly I wanted to write my blog yesterday itself but I was just too tired to do so, and I went to bed around 2 am. I have to say this: I had a good sleep BUT not for long :/

FRIDAY- 07/02/2014

I started my Friday as early as 7 am :) Now this sounds good! I woke up early as I had to go to JPJ to renew my driving license ;). After JPJ I got back home to have my breakfast, got ready to go to Cyber as I needed to pass something to my brother. I got my best friend Katpagam to follow me to Cyberjaya and then we both planned to spend the day together.

I reached Cyber around 11 am, and then reached back my place at about 12 noon. Katpagam and I had our brunch in a new restaurant , and I have to say this: The food tasted HORRIBLE. After our horrible brunch, we both headed back home, picked my little Noel(You'll get to know that little rascal very soon) and we went to the vet as today was Noel's vaccination day! OUCH. Yes, that was painful for both mother(myself) and daughter(Noel)  :( Noel hugged met as she was so scared, probably she thought I was going to leave her there forever or maybe because it was a new place. I had no idea but we did it, and we sent Katpagam back home and we went back home happily.

Noel got back home, and she got everyone's attention. Mom fed her guava and she  ate happily. I fed her food, she was so full after a while, and went into my room to take her evening nap. Up to this very point, I am keeping her by my side. :) Cos I love her  and I want my baby to be safe :)

After that we did not go anywhere. My brothers were home so we were just having some discussions, spent time with the babies and joking around. Well, these two days were amazing as I was with my family even though I did not do anything great or travelled out of my place, but that's just totally satisfying, to be with the family and the babies!

I am now feeling so sleepy and tired as I have not been getting enough of sleep so I might be going to bed early tonight. I know this was just a normal post without anything interesting in it as I am just too tired but I am glad I posted something! :) Hope you guys had fun reading what I did yesterday and today, a definitely better post is on its way I am sure! Have a fabulous weekend my dear ones, be safe, be happy and love your weekend!


  1. Have a nice weekend Yugga...waiting for your next post!!

  2. sounds like you had a busy weekend! =)

  3. Hi lovely ladies! Sorry for the long wait, now ive updated my blog u guys can Have a look k? :)
